Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm excited - tomorrow, Matt and I will celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary! I can't believe its been four years already! It goes by so quickly, yet at the same time, I feel like we've been together forever.

Last Friday, the morning conversation at Curves turned to husbands and the idiotic things they do. I chimed in with a particularly decent one from just the night before, and one of the ladies asks "how long have you been married?" When I replied "it will be four years next week", all 8 of them groaned, balked, scoffed. "You're just a baby!" one said. "HA! I bet you still enjoy each other's company!" said another.

And that last comment got me thinking today. Of course we still enjoy each other's company. Isn't that the point? Was I supposed to choose a man who I can't stand to be around? Wasn't I supposed to pick a man that I love without question, who loves me just as much. Someone I find fascinating, interesting, fun, adorable, etc etc etc?

I don't think of us as "newlyweds" anymore, even if, by comparison, we are. I'm not so naive to think that life will always be rosy - Matt and I have had our share when it comes to marital issues. But I happen to think that he and I are totally meant for each other, and always have been.

So there. Happy Almost Anniversary Matt!

(and if you'd like, feel free to read our proposal story here: http://www.angelfire.com/mi/BeLLasPlace/proposal.html)

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